Exposing a Collector for cross cluster communication

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Exposing an OpenTelemetry Collector currently requires a number of configuration steps. The goal of this blog post is to demonstrate how to establish a secure communication between two collectors in different Kubernetes clusters.

Details of CRDs and dependency installations are not covered by this post.


When it comes to making collectors publicly accessible, the first thing that comes to mind is the secure transmission of user data via TLS. However, authentication to the server is at least as important to prevent unauthorized services from sending data.

The OpenTelemetry Collector supports different authentication methods. The most used are probably:

  1. TLS Authentication
  2. OpenID Connect (OIDC-Authentication)
  3. HTTP Basic Authentication

This article focuses on HTTP Basic Authentication for simplicity. It is intended to show how a secure setup can be operated without key management or further third-party services.

For more information about TLS configuration I would like to refer to the article How TLS provides identification, authentication, confidentiality, and integrity and the Collector TLS-Config description on GitHub.

If you are interested in using an external authentication provider, I advise you to have a look at the article Securing your OpenTelemetry Collector by Juraci Paixão Kröhling on this topic. He explains how OpenTelemetry collectors can be secured using the OIDC-Authenticator extension, and how Keycloak can be configured as an authentication provider.

Basic Authentication

The HTTP Basic Authentication mechanism is quite simple. An HTTP user agent (e.g., a web browser) provides a username and password combination on every request. Transmitted credentials are included in the HTTP header by the key Authorization when the connection is established. As a value the authentication method basic is mentioned first, followed by the encoded credentials. Note that the credential form is username:password.

In the following example, dXNlci0xOjEyMzQK is the encoding for a combination of username=user-1 and password=1234. Note to encode or decode base64 values, you can use

# HTTP Header key: value pair Authorization: Basic <credentials-base64-encoded> # example: user: user-1 password: 1234 Authorization: Basic dXNlci0xOjEyMzQK

You can easily create your own user password combination using the base64 cli tool.

# encode $ echo "user-1:1234" | base64 dXNlci0xOjEyMzQK # decode $ echo "dXNlci0xOjEyMzQK" | base64 -d user-1:1234

Data flow

The following graph illustrates the target topology. The goal is to transfer traces generated by a test application via a dedicated collector to a publicly accessible cluster. The receiving collector uses the transmitted ‘Basic’ HTTP Authentication credentials to check whether the sender is authorized to store data. Finally, transmitted traces are stored in a Jaeger in-memory

overview diagram


Interfaces and behavior may change in the future. Therefore, the versions used in this setup are mentioned in brackets.

Remote cluster configuration

Since all components except the Jaeger backend depend on a following component, we begin by deploying the backend.

apiVersion: jaegertracing.io/v1 kind: Jaeger metadata: name: my-in-memory

In the next step we create an OpenTelemetry Collector using the OpenTelemetryCollector CRD. The most important entries are mode, image and the configured basicauth extension. In the manifest below the mode deployment was chosen to guarantee that at least one collector pod is available for processing incoming information. Furthermore the default collector image was overwritten with the contrib version. This is necessary because the core version does not contain the basicauth extension. This extension was configured with the name basicauth/server and registered in otlp/basicauth. As otlp exporter endpoint the Jaeger in-memory service was configured.

apiVersion: opentelemetry.io/v1alpha1 kind: OpenTelemetryCollector metadata: name: otel-collector-app spec: mode: deployment image: otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.58.0 config: | extensions: basicauth/server: htpasswd: inline: | <REPLACE: your backend credentials, e.g.: "user-1:1234"> receivers: otlp/basicauth: protocols: grpc: auth: authenticator: basicauth/server exporters: otlp/jaeger: endpoint: my-in-memory-collector:4317 tls: insecure: true insecure_skip_verify: true service: extensions: [basicauth/server] pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp/basicauth] exporters: [otlp/jaeger]

After a successful installation, a pod for the Jaeger backend and the OpenTelemetry Collector should be created in the selected namespace.

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-in-memory-6c5f5f87c5-rnp99 1/1 Running 0 4m otel-collector-app-collector-55cccf4b7d-llczt 1/1 Running 0 3m

Also the following services should be available:

NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE my-in-memory-agent ClusterIP None <none> 5775/UDP,5778/TCP,6831/UDP,6832/UDP 7m my-in-memory-collector ClusterIP <none> 9411/TCP,14250/TCP,14267/TCP,14268/TCP,4317/TCP,4318/TCP 7m my-in-memory-collector-headless ClusterIP None <none> 9411/TCP,14250/TCP,14267/TCP,14268/TCP,4317/TCP,4318/TCP 7m my-in-memory-query ClusterIP <none> 16686/TCP,16685/TCP 7m otel-collector-app-collector ClusterIP <none> 4317/TCP 5m otel-collector-app-collector-headless ClusterIP None <none> 4317/TCP 5m otel-collector-app-collector-monitoring ClusterIP <none> 8888/TCP 5m

Finally, cert-manager is configured to automatically request TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt and make it available to the Ingress TLS configuration. The following ClusterIssuer and Ingress entries expose the otel-collector-app-collector service. Note that you’ll need to replace values for the email and host fields.

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1 kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: letsencrypt namespace: cert-manager spec: acme: server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory email: your-email-address-here@example.com # REPLACE privateKeySecretRef: name: letsencrypt solvers: - http01: ingress: class: nginx --- apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-otel annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: GRPC cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt spec: tls: - hosts: - your-host # REPLACE your domain endpoint, e.g., traces@example.com secretName: letsencrypt rules: - host: your-host # REPLACE your domain endpoint, e.g., traces@example.com http: paths: - pathType: Prefix path: '/' backend: service: name: otel-collector-app-collector port: number: 4317

Edge Cluster configuration

In order to be able to determine the origin of the transmitted traces, the span-tags are extended by identifying metadata with the help of the k8sattributes processor. It is available in the OpenTelemetry Collector contrib version. In the next step we create a service account with the necessary permissions. If you want to learn more about the K8s metadata, you can read this post “Improved troubleshooting using K8s metadata”.

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: attributes-role rules: - apiGroups: - '' resources: - pods verbs: - get - list - watch --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: attributes-rolebinding roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: attributes-role subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: attributes-account --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: attributes-account

Let’s have a quick look on the most important edge collector settings. A daemonset is used as deployment mode to ensure that one collector instance per node exists. The basicauth extension contains username and password to identify itself to the exposed remote collector. More container and node specific information are provided by the k8sattributes processor via the Kubernetes Kubernetes downward-api. What is not covered is the cluster availability zone and the cluster name. To be able to identify the reported spans later, they are inserted manually with the help of the resource processor. Last, the OTLP exporter endpoint has also been given a placeholder value that must be replaced with your remote cluster domain.

apiVersion: opentelemetry.io/v1alpha1 kind: OpenTelemetryCollector metadata: name: otel-collector-app spec: mode: daemonset image: otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.58.0 serviceAccount: attributes-account env: - name: KUBE_NODE_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: spec.nodeName config: | extensions: basicauth/client: client_auth: # credentials must be consistent with those of the receiving collector. username: <REPLACE: your basicauth username, e.g.: "user-1"> password: <REPLACE: your basicauth password, e.g.: "1234"> receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: processors: resource: attributes: - key: cloud.availability_zone value: <REPLACE: your availability zone, e.g.: "eu-west-1"> action: insert - key: k8s.cluster.name value: <REPLACE: your cluster name, e.g.: "edge-cluster-1"> action: insert k8sattributes: filter: node_from_env_var: KUBE_NODE_NAME exporters: otlp: endpoint: "<REPLACE: your domain endpoint, e.g.: "traces.example.com:443">" auth: authenticator: basicauth/client logging: service: extensions: [basicauth/client] pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp] processors: [k8sattributes] exporters: [otlp,logging]

After a successful installation, a daemonset with the name otel-collector-app-collector should have been created. This ensures that each cluster node has a local collector instance up and running.

Deploy trace generator to generate test data

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: trace-gen spec: selector: matchLabels: app: trace-gen template: metadata: labels: app: trace-gen spec: containers: - name: trace-gen image: ghcr.io/frzifus/jaeger-otel-test:latest args: [ '-otel.agent.host=otel-collector-app-collector', '-otel.agent.port=4317', ] env: - name: OTEL_SERVICE_NAME value: 'local-test-service'


Now spans generated in the edge cluster should be extended with origin metadata. These are then transferred to the remote cluster and stored in the Jaeger backend. Jaeger itself provides a UI for inspecting transmitted data.

An easy way to reach the UI is by port forwarding to your local system.

$ kubectl port-forward deployments/my-in-memory 16686 Forwarding from -> 16686
jaeger-ui on remote cluster


Configurations like Ingress, ClusterIssuer and OpenTelemetryCollector on client and server side have to be configured manually. Depending on installed Kubernetes components, the configurations differ a lot. Overall the configuration is very error-prone. In the future the exposing of the collector should be simplified with the help of the OpenTelemetry operator. If you are interested in the development, you can follow GitHub issue #902 to stay updated.
